Στατιστικά κίνησης για το www.hungry.gr

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 30-Jun-2024 03:02 EEST

Στατιστικά αναζήτησης

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 1619276
Total Files 1603304
Total Pages 1593904
Total Visits 21268
Total KBytes 21056065
Total Unique Sites 4261
Total Unique URLs 246
Total Unique User Agents 915
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2248 7922
Hits per Day 53975 65280
Files per Day 53443 64834
Pages per Day 53130 64070
Visits per Day 708 1810
KBytes per Day 701869 830492
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 72
Code 200 - OK 1603304
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 62
Code 302 - Found 1624
Code 304 - Not Modified 10
Code 400 - Bad Request 356
Code 403 - Forbidden 72
Code 404 - Not Found 10534
Code 408 - Request Timeout 1258
Code 501 - Not Implemented 1984

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 51790 3.20% 51492 3.21% 51068 3.20% 730 3.43% 328 7.70% 664846 3.16%
2 49918 3.08% 49606 3.09% 49360 3.10% 317 1.49% 221 5.19% 662066 3.14%
3 56392 3.48% 55186 3.44% 54986 3.45% 671 3.15% 433 10.16% 715088 3.40%
4 49768 3.07% 49472 3.09% 49244 3.09% 636 2.99% 342 8.03% 657681 3.12%
5 48768 3.01% 48362 3.02% 48204 3.02% 406 1.91% 278 6.52% 647636 3.08%
6 53294 3.29% 52738 3.29% 52322 3.28% 989 4.65% 411 9.65% 691395 3.28%
7 52596 3.25% 52218 3.26% 51924 3.26% 490 2.30% 253 5.94% 690939 3.28%
8 53704 3.32% 53336 3.33% 52968 3.32% 1437 6.76% 418 9.81% 697671 3.31%
9 53918 3.33% 53470 3.33% 53226 3.34% 1156 5.44% 375 8.80% 703034 3.34%
10 50140 3.10% 49440 3.08% 49032 3.08% 880 4.14% 501 11.76% 651793 3.10%
11 57714 3.56% 56890 3.55% 56424 3.54% 694 3.26% 411 9.65% 750490 3.56%
12 60062 3.71% 59712 3.72% 59158 3.71% 1614 7.59% 452 10.61% 779013 3.70%
13 58254 3.60% 57326 3.58% 57032 3.58% 506 2.38% 281 6.59% 757881 3.60%
14 60044 3.71% 59570 3.72% 59214 3.72% 1241 5.84% 305 7.16% 780024 3.70%
15 49296 3.04% 48718 3.04% 48440 3.04% 653 3.07% 207 4.86% 639288 3.04%
16 57106 3.53% 56746 3.54% 56314 3.53% 389 1.83% 241 5.66% 754555 3.58%
17 65280 4.03% 64834 4.04% 64070 4.02% 758 3.56% 241 5.66% 830492 3.94%
18 15012 0.93% 14518 0.91% 14294 0.90% 537 2.52% 219 5.14% 160064 0.76%
19 64146 3.96% 62992 3.93% 62764 3.94% 538 2.53% 241 5.66% 815764 3.87%
20 62668 3.87% 62162 3.88% 61702 3.87% 714 3.36% 305 7.16% 808423 3.84%
21 57136 3.53% 56748 3.54% 56612 3.55% 556 2.61% 349 8.19% 758726 3.60%
22 56724 3.50% 56374 3.52% 56176 3.52% 315 1.48% 233 5.47% 754101 3.58%
23 62876 3.88% 62046 3.87% 61968 3.89% 1810 8.51% 582 13.66% 811448 3.85%
24 58500 3.61% 58098 3.62% 57678 3.62% 686 3.23% 407 9.55% 773893 3.68%
25 63008 3.89% 62128 3.87% 61614 3.87% 530 2.49% 290 6.81% 810287 3.85%
26 59558 3.68% 59226 3.69% 58984 3.70% 555 2.61% 284 6.67% 784205 3.72%
27 61474 3.80% 60978 3.80% 60714 3.81% 567 2.67% 284 6.67% 800571 3.80%
28 63148 3.90% 62582 3.90% 62516 3.92% 400 1.88% 190 4.46% 821158 3.90%
29 59660 3.68% 59030 3.68% 58622 3.68% 539 2.53% 247 5.80% 785831 3.73%
30 7322 0.45% 7306 0.46% 7274 0.46% 84 0.39% 70 1.64% 97704 0.46%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2326 69782 4.31% 2316 69506 4.34% 2313 69392 4.35% 30813 924380 4.39%
1 2273 68208 4.21% 2263 67894 4.23% 2255 67658 4.24% 30077 902322 4.29%
2 2325 69770 4.31% 2313 69418 4.33% 2312 69388 4.35% 30560 916799 4.35%
3 2092 62766 3.88% 2077 62326 3.89% 2069 62070 3.89% 27355 820641 3.90%
4 2456 73696 4.55% 2403 72112 4.50% 2413 72392 4.54% 30670 920093 4.37%
5 2065 61962 3.83% 2045 61362 3.83% 2040 61218 3.84% 27024 810734 3.85%
6 2107 63222 3.90% 2079 62390 3.89% 2074 62230 3.90% 27387 821599 3.90%
7 2298 68946 4.26% 2256 67690 4.22% 2253 67606 4.24% 29507 885199 4.20%
8 2304 69140 4.27% 2270 68116 4.25% 2267 68038 4.27% 29747 892416 4.24%
9 2298 68940 4.26% 2277 68320 4.26% 2258 67760 4.25% 29847 895398 4.25%
10 2207 66218 4.09% 2195 65874 4.11% 2183 65492 4.11% 29043 871295 4.14%
11 2235 67066 4.14% 2225 66760 4.16% 2192 65780 4.13% 29190 875691 4.16%
12 2206 66190 4.09% 2189 65680 4.10% 2169 65098 4.08% 28829 864877 4.11%
13 2363 70916 4.38% 2319 69584 4.34% 2301 69034 4.33% 30029 900858 4.28%
14 2399 71978 4.45% 2380 71426 4.45% 2358 70768 4.44% 30468 914038 4.34%
15 2374 71240 4.40% 2351 70532 4.40% 2341 70238 4.41% 30365 910958 4.33%
16 2274 68228 4.21% 2259 67792 4.23% 2236 67096 4.21% 29623 888685 4.22%
17 2206 66200 4.09% 2192 65774 4.10% 2160 64824 4.07% 28860 865795 4.11%
18 2188 65644 4.05% 2154 64622 4.03% 2133 64006 4.02% 28570 857097 4.07%
19 2171 65134 4.02% 2150 64518 4.02% 2136 64088 4.02% 28502 855065 4.06%
20 2183 65502 4.05% 2161 64830 4.04% 2138 64164 4.03% 28526 855770 4.06%
21 2172 65164 4.02% 2160 64818 4.04% 2142 64278 4.03% 28611 858331 4.08%
22 2258 67758 4.18% 2222 66684 4.16% 2203 66118 4.15% 29334 880022 4.18%
23 2186 65606 4.05% 2175 65276 4.07% 2172 65168 4.09% 28933 868000 4.12%

Top 100 of 246 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1459138 90.11% 19684106 93.48% /
2 90794 5.61% 892906 4.24% /get.asp
3 7680 0.47% 128468 0.61% /thirsty/getcock.asp
4 6768 0.42% 41553 0.20% /thirsty/getarticle.asp
5 6322 0.39% 10265 0.05% Images
6 5004 0.31% 1920 0.01% /robots.txt
7 4094 0.25% 32531 0.15% /getnation.asp
8 2026 0.13% 25127 0.12% /getarticle.asp
9 1530 0.09% 11268 0.05% /getbyform.asp
10 1310 0.08% 1785 0.01% HungryBookmarking
11 1168 0.07% 1595 0.01% /favicon.ico
12 1140 0.07% 1593 0.01% Stylesheets
13 1002 0.06% 47213 0.22% /forum.asp
14 834 0.05% 6219 0.03% /getafro.asp
15 780 0.05% 5639 0.03% /nhsteia.asp
16 694 0.04% 10030 0.05% /gettip.asp
17 588 0.04% 4343 0.02% /quick.asp
18 560 0.03% 3992 0.02% /vegetarian.asp
19 268 0.02% 5712 0.03% /thirsty/drinks/liquer.asp
20 262 0.02% 887 0.00% /server_error.asp
21 216 0.01% 2340 0.01% /thirsty/wine/
22 174 0.01% 2348 0.01% google.com:443
23 168 0.01% 1062 0.01% /strange.asp
24 158 0.01% 1668 0.01% /bahar/menta.asp
25 156 0.01% 1005 0.00% /thirsty/beer/
26 154 0.01% 2714 0.01% /thirsty/
27 146 0.01% 937 0.00% /achtung.asp
28 142 0.01% 189 0.00% /thirsty/favicon.ico
29 124 0.01% 1340 0.01% /bahar/
30 122 0.01% 1116 0.01% /glyka.asp
31 122 0.01% 4326 0.02% /thirsty/beer/lexicon.asp
32 116 0.01% 1115 0.01% /bahar/krokos.asp
33 110 0.01% 2172 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/gin.asp
34 108 0.01% 1349 0.01% /bahar/piperi.asp
35 108 0.01% 2174 0.01% /thirsty/cocktail.asp
36 106 0.01% 1035 0.00% /bahar/sinapi.asp
37 106 0.01% 1082 0.01% /bahar/vasilikos.asp
38 106 0.01% 1093 0.01% /thirsty/editorial.asp
39 106 0.01% 2324 0.01% /thirsty/wine/makewine.asp
40 104 0.01% 910 0.00% /bahar/koriandros.asp
41 104 0.01% 2159 0.01% /thirsty/bartools.asp
42 104 0.01% 3021 0.01% /thirsty/forum.asp
43 100 0.01% 857 0.00% /bahar/kanela.asp
44 98 0.01% 245 0.00% /contact.asp
45 96 0.01% 953 0.00% /bahar/kremydi.asp
46 96 0.01% 864 0.00% /bahar/skordo.asp
47 96 0.01% 1888 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/tsipouro.asp
48 96 0.01% 1475 0.01% /thirsty/wine/history2.asp
49 94 0.01% 1777 0.01% /thirsty/wine/history1.asp
50 90 0.01% 2136 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/whisky.asp
51 88 0.01% 775 0.00% /bahar/artemisia.asp
52 88 0.01% 741 0.00% /bahar/ginger.asp
53 84 0.01% 724 0.00% /bahar/kardamo.asp
54 84 0.01% 765 0.00% /bahar/marathos.asp
55 84 0.01% 749 0.00% /bahar/nutmeg.asp
56 84 0.01% 1465 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/ouzo.asp
57 82 0.01% 717 0.00% /bahar/papaver.asp
58 82 0.01% 1262 0.01% /thirsty/beer/paragwgh.asp
59 82 0.01% 1579 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/rum.asp
60 80 0.00% 619 0.00% /bahar/illicium.asp
61 80 0.00% 688 0.00% /bahar/mantzurana.asp
62 80 0.00% 651 0.00% /bahar/melissohorto.asp
63 80 0.00% 1107 0.01% /thirsty/beer/history.asp
64 76 0.00% 959 0.00% /faghta.asp
65 76 0.00% 699 0.00% /thirsty/contact.asp
66 76 0.00% 1524 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/brandy.asp
67 72 0.00% 970 0.00% rtsp://
68 70 0.00% 706 0.00% /afrodite.asp
69 70 0.00% 523 0.00% /bahar/karo.asp
70 70 0.00% 1277 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/distill.asp
71 68 0.00% 761 0.00% /cgi/fastsearch
72 68 0.00% 761 0.00% CGI Scripts
73 66 0.00% 560 0.00% /salates.asp
74 66 0.00% 589 0.00% /salsa.asp
75 66 0.00% 182 0.00% /submit.asp
76 66 0.00% 1393 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/vermout.asp
77 64 0.00% 548 0.00% /bahar/riganh.asp
78 62 0.00% 482 0.00% /bahar/kymino.asp
79 60 0.00% 9 0.00% /123
80 60 0.00% 473 0.00% /bahar/vanilia.asp
81 60 0.00% 459 0.00% /editorial.asp
82 60 0.00% 189 0.00% /submittip.asp
83 60 0.00% 1027 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/bitter.asp
84 60 0.00% 298 0.00% /tips.asp
85 58 0.00% 485 0.00% /bahar/anithos.asp
86 58 0.00% 519 0.00% /bahar/dafnh.asp
87 58 0.00% 500 0.00% /bahar/maintanos.asp
88 58 0.00% 1019 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/angostura.asp
89 58 0.00% 1108 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/cognac.asp
90 56 0.00% 516 0.00% /bahar/dendrolivano.asp
91 56 0.00% 262 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/no_info.asp
92 56 0.00% 970 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/porto.asp
93 56 0.00% 241 0.00% /thirsty/submit.asp
94 56 0.00% 926 0.00% /thirsty/wine/death.asp
95 54 0.00% 465 0.00% /bahar/garyfalo.asp
96 54 0.00% 425 0.00% /bahar/kari.asp
97 54 0.00% 445 0.00% /bahar/kurkuma.asp
98 54 0.00% 439 0.00% /bahar/paprika.asp
99 54 0.00% 430 0.00% /bahar/thrumbi.asp
100 52 0.00% 506 0.00% /bahar/faskomhlo.asp
View All URLs

Top 100 of 246 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1459138 90.11% 19684106 93.48% /
2 90794 5.61% 892906 4.24% /get.asp
3 7680 0.47% 128468 0.61% /thirsty/getcock.asp
4 1002 0.06% 47213 0.22% /forum.asp
5 6768 0.42% 41553 0.20% /thirsty/getarticle.asp
6 4094 0.25% 32531 0.15% /getnation.asp
7 2026 0.13% 25127 0.12% /getarticle.asp
8 1530 0.09% 11268 0.05% /getbyform.asp
9 6322 0.39% 10265 0.05% Images
10 694 0.04% 10030 0.05% /gettip.asp
11 834 0.05% 6219 0.03% /getafro.asp
12 268 0.02% 5712 0.03% /thirsty/drinks/liquer.asp
13 780 0.05% 5639 0.03% /nhsteia.asp
14 588 0.04% 4343 0.02% /quick.asp
15 122 0.01% 4326 0.02% /thirsty/beer/lexicon.asp
16 560 0.03% 3992 0.02% /vegetarian.asp
17 104 0.01% 3021 0.01% /thirsty/forum.asp
18 154 0.01% 2714 0.01% /thirsty/
19 174 0.01% 2348 0.01% google.com:443
20 216 0.01% 2340 0.01% /thirsty/wine/
21 106 0.01% 2324 0.01% /thirsty/wine/makewine.asp
22 108 0.01% 2174 0.01% /thirsty/cocktail.asp
23 110 0.01% 2172 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/gin.asp
24 104 0.01% 2159 0.01% /thirsty/bartools.asp
25 90 0.01% 2136 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/whisky.asp
26 5004 0.31% 1920 0.01% /robots.txt
27 96 0.01% 1888 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/tsipouro.asp
28 1310 0.08% 1785 0.01% HungryBookmarking
29 94 0.01% 1777 0.01% /thirsty/wine/history1.asp
30 158 0.01% 1668 0.01% /bahar/menta.asp
31 1168 0.07% 1595 0.01% /favicon.ico
32 1140 0.07% 1593 0.01% Stylesheets
33 82 0.01% 1579 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/rum.asp
34 76 0.00% 1524 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/brandy.asp
35 96 0.01% 1475 0.01% /thirsty/wine/history2.asp
36 84 0.01% 1465 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/ouzo.asp
37 66 0.00% 1393 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/vermout.asp
38 108 0.01% 1349 0.01% /bahar/piperi.asp
39 124 0.01% 1340 0.01% /bahar/
40 70 0.00% 1277 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/distill.asp
41 82 0.01% 1262 0.01% /thirsty/beer/paragwgh.asp
42 52 0.00% 1136 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/champagne.asp
43 122 0.01% 1116 0.01% /glyka.asp
44 116 0.01% 1115 0.01% /bahar/krokos.asp
45 58 0.00% 1108 0.01% /thirsty/drinks/cognac.asp
46 80 0.00% 1107 0.01% /thirsty/beer/history.asp
47 106 0.01% 1093 0.01% /thirsty/editorial.asp
48 106 0.01% 1082 0.01% /bahar/vasilikos.asp
49 168 0.01% 1062 0.01% /strange.asp
50 106 0.01% 1035 0.00% /bahar/sinapi.asp
51 60 0.00% 1027 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/bitter.asp
52 48 0.00% 1020 0.00% /thirsty/glasses.asp
53 58 0.00% 1019 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/angostura.asp
54 156 0.01% 1005 0.00% /thirsty/beer/
55 52 0.00% 1000 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/aperitif.asp
56 56 0.00% 970 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/porto.asp
57 72 0.00% 970 0.00% rtsp://
58 76 0.00% 959 0.00% /faghta.asp
59 96 0.01% 953 0.00% /bahar/kremydi.asp
60 146 0.01% 937 0.00% /achtung.asp
61 56 0.00% 926 0.00% /thirsty/wine/death.asp
62 104 0.01% 910 0.00% /bahar/koriandros.asp
63 46 0.00% 908 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/vodka.asp
64 50 0.00% 900 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/tequila.asp
65 262 0.02% 887 0.00% /server_error.asp
66 52 0.00% 871 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/madera.asp
67 50 0.00% 869 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/nutmeg.asp
68 52 0.00% 868 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/ginger_ale.asp
69 96 0.01% 864 0.00% /bahar/skordo.asp
70 100 0.01% 857 0.00% /bahar/kanela.asp
71 50 0.00% 845 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/sherry.asp
72 50 0.00% 836 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/tabasco.asp
73 46 0.00% 781 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/grenadine.asp
74 88 0.01% 775 0.00% /bahar/artemisia.asp
75 48 0.00% 769 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/fruits.asp
76 84 0.01% 765 0.00% /bahar/marathos.asp
77 68 0.00% 761 0.00% /cgi/fastsearch
78 68 0.00% 761 0.00% CGI Scripts
79 84 0.01% 749 0.00% /bahar/nutmeg.asp
80 88 0.01% 741 0.00% /bahar/ginger.asp
81 84 0.01% 724 0.00% /bahar/kardamo.asp
82 82 0.01% 717 0.00% /bahar/papaver.asp
83 42 0.00% 714 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/cinnamon.asp
84 70 0.00% 706 0.00% /afrodite.asp
85 76 0.00% 699 0.00% /thirsty/contact.asp
86 80 0.00% 688 0.00% /bahar/mantzurana.asp
87 42 0.00% 673 0.00% /thirsty/crustas.asp
88 50 0.00% 653 0.00% /thirsty/wine/pinein.asp
89 80 0.00% 651 0.00% /bahar/melissohorto.asp
90 80 0.00% 619 0.00% /bahar/illicium.asp
91 36 0.00% 599 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/bloody_mary.asp
92 66 0.00% 589 0.00% /salsa.asp
93 34 0.00% 562 0.00% /thirsty/drinks/collins.asp
94 66 0.00% 560 0.00% /salates.asp
95 64 0.00% 548 0.00% /bahar/riganh.asp
96 70 0.00% 523 0.00% /bahar/karo.asp
97 58 0.00% 519 0.00% /bahar/dafnh.asp
98 56 0.00% 516 0.00% /bahar/dendrolivano.asp
99 52 0.00% 506 0.00% /bahar/faskomhlo.asp
100 58 0.00% 500 0.00% /bahar/maintanos.asp

Top 10 of 123 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 90794 5.61% 12862 64.20% /get.asp
2 1459138 90.11% 2336 11.66% /
3 6768 0.42% 1006 5.02% /thirsty/getarticle.asp
4 7680 0.47% 988 4.93% /thirsty/getcock.asp
5 4094 0.25% 565 2.82% /getnation.asp
6 1530 0.09% 216 1.08% /getbyform.asp
7 834 0.05% 131 0.65% /getafro.asp
8 780 0.05% 131 0.65% /nhsteia.asp
9 694 0.04% 128 0.64% /gettip.asp
10 588 0.04% 103 0.51% /quick.asp

Top 10 of 126 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 90794 5.61% 12876 64.46% /get.asp
2 1459138 90.11% 1904 9.53% /
3 7680 0.47% 1044 5.23% /thirsty/getcock.asp
4 6768 0.42% 993 4.97% /thirsty/getarticle.asp
5 4094 0.25% 560 2.80% /getnation.asp
6 1002 0.06% 334 1.67% /forum.asp
7 1530 0.09% 244 1.22% /getbyform.asp
8 780 0.05% 136 0.68% /nhsteia.asp
9 694 0.04% 133 0.67% /gettip.asp
10 834 0.05% 123 0.62% /getafro.asp

Top 30 of 4261 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1448486 89.45% 1448470 90.34% 19545675 92.83% 5 0.02%
2 6684 0.41% 6610 0.41% 61096 0.29% 184 0.87%
3 6164 0.38% 5910 0.37% 60295 0.29% 1 0.00% static.
4 6062 0.37% 5894 0.37% 60245 0.29% 1 0.00% crawl1-203.oi.tb.007ac9.net
5 5372 0.33% 5268 0.33% 52191 0.25% 1 0.00% ec2-3-17-69-187.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
6 5346 0.33% 5216 0.33% 51577 0.24% 1 0.00% ec2-3-96-59-150.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com
7 4994 0.31% 4884 0.30% 48692 0.23% 1 0.00% ec2-35-87-54-39.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
8 4986 0.31% 4888 0.30% 48438 0.23% 1 0.00% ec2-3-112-217-26.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
9 4400 0.27% 1588 0.10% 18054 0.09% 151 0.71%
10 3990 0.25% 3926 0.24% 37913 0.18% 1 0.00%
11 2906 0.18% 2846 0.18% 11255 0.05% 107 0.50% otenet
12 2836 0.18% 2814 0.18% 23935 0.11% 124 0.58%
13 2202 0.14% 2202 0.14% 53899 0.26% 290 1.36%
14 2164 0.13% 2116 0.13% 15095 0.07% 118 0.55%
15 2058 0.13% 2010 0.13% 20277 0.10% 1 0.00% 3-224-220-101.crawl.amazonbot.amazon
16 2042 0.13% 2006 0.13% 20401 0.10% 2 0.01% bardolino.netestate.de
17 2010 0.12% 1956 0.12% 19833 0.09% 3 0.01% 23-22-35-162.crawl.amazonbot.amazon
18 2004 0.12% 1942 0.12% 20291 0.10% 3 0.01% 52-70-240-171.crawl.amazonbot.amazon
19 1736 0.11% 1240 0.08% 5255 0.02% 149 0.70% hol
20 1296 0.08% 1278 0.08% 14585 0.07% 215 1.01% crawl-66-249-66-41.googlebot.com
21 1288 0.08% 1262 0.08% 13058 0.06% 207 0.97% crawl-66-249-66-86.googlebot.com
22 1136 0.07% 1102 0.07% 11211 0.05% 201 0.95% crawl-66-249-66-87.googlebot.com
23 1032 0.06% 996 0.06% 11126 0.05% 5 0.02% 57.81-167-26.customer.lyse.net
24 1032 0.06% 1000 0.06% 10349 0.05% 165 0.78% crawl-66-249-66-85.googlebot.com
25 1020 0.06% 1008 0.06% 9665 0.05% 127 0.60% crawl-66-249-66-200.googlebot.com
26 946 0.06% 922 0.06% 10752 0.05% 204 0.96% crawl-66-249-66-42.googlebot.com
27 922 0.06% 894 0.06% 4247 0.02% 27 0.13% forthnet
28 906 0.06% 902 0.06% 8731 0.04% 6 0.03% ti0158a400-0426.bb.online.no
29 888 0.05% 872 0.05% 8479 0.04% 139 0.65% crawl-66-249-66-201.googlebot.com
30 888 0.05% 858 0.05% 9798 0.05% 213 1.00% crawl-66-249-66-43.googlebot.com
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Top 10 of 4261 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1448486 89.45% 1448470 90.34% 19545675 92.83% 5 0.02%
2 6684 0.41% 6610 0.41% 61096 0.29% 184 0.87%
3 6164 0.38% 5910 0.37% 60295 0.29% 1 0.00% static.
4 6062 0.37% 5894 0.37% 60245 0.29% 1 0.00% crawl1-203.oi.tb.007ac9.net
5 2202 0.14% 2202 0.14% 53899 0.26% 290 1.36%
6 5372 0.33% 5268 0.33% 52191 0.25% 1 0.00% ec2-3-17-69-187.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
7 5346 0.33% 5216 0.33% 51577 0.24% 1 0.00% ec2-3-96-59-150.ca-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com
8 4994 0.31% 4884 0.30% 48692 0.23% 1 0.00% ec2-35-87-54-39.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
9 4986 0.31% 4888 0.30% 48438 0.23% 1 0.00% ec2-3-112-217-26.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
10 3990 0.25% 3926 0.24% 37913 0.18% 1 0.00%

Top 15 of 915 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 786898 48.60% Netscape
2 171631 10.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
3 100291 6.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTM
4 89435 5.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
5 70795 4.37% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
6 59705 3.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
7 35357 2.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
8 25592 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, li
9 12165 0.75% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +http://www.semrush
10 9021 0.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
11 7730 0.48% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) App
12 7132 0.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
13 7031 0.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, lik
14 7009 0.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/5
15 6148 0.38% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +https://opensiteexplore
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Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 30 of 45 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1448556 89.46% 1448530 90.35% 19546447 92.83% Russian Federation
2 93614 5.78% 86632 5.40% 838147 3.98% US Commercial
3 35984 2.22% 30438 1.90% 333443 1.58% Network
4 14222 0.88% 13578 0.85% 139167 0.66% Unresolved/Unknown
5 11140 0.69% 10374 0.65% 101812 0.48% Germany
6 7600 0.47% 6994 0.44% 30064 0.14% Greece
7 3992 0.25% 3928 0.24% 37940 0.18% Canada
8 1186 0.07% 724 0.05% 8746 0.04% China
9 948 0.06% 944 0.06% 9047 0.04% Norway
10 728 0.04% 446 0.03% 5142 0.02% Non-Profit Organization
11 286 0.02% 2 0.00% 27 0.00% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
12 180 0.01% 166 0.01% 1027 0.00% Sweden
13 128 0.01% 42 0.00% 487 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
14 116 0.01% 116 0.01% 596 0.00% Cyprus
15 108 0.01% 82 0.01% 850 0.00% Netherlands
16 102 0.01% 0 0.00% 23 0.00% Japan
17 56 0.00% 56 0.00% 270 0.00% Belgium
18 56 0.00% 8 0.00% 252 0.00% Belarus
19 36 0.00% 36 0.00% 185 0.00% France
20 32 0.00% 32 0.00% 396 0.00% Italy
21 28 0.00% 22 0.00% 240 0.00% Ukraine
22 26 0.00% 24 0.00% 291 0.00% Brazil
23 26 0.00% 16 0.00% 217 0.00% India
24 24 0.00% 24 0.00% 157 0.00% United Kingdom
25 20 0.00% 20 0.00% 270 0.00% Poland
26 18 0.00% 16 0.00% 119 0.00% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
27 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 162 0.00% US Educational
28 8 0.00% 6 0.00% 81 0.00% Indonesia
29 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 81 0.00% Iran
30 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 27 0.00% Colombia

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